United Way of North Central New Mexico tackles systemic problems affecting families and children in our five-county community. We rally community support, provide comprehensive resources and raise funds to increase family stability and educational attainment. Because when every family and every child has the chance to thrive, our community has a stronger, brighter future.

Welcome! Below you will see all of our current opportunities.

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For agencies providing the majority of their services in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia Counties

Agencies should apply to Impact OR Basic Needs, but not both.

Impact Grant

Impact grants support the work of programs that align with UWNCNM's Impact Priorities:

Healthy Community: Improving health and wellbeing for all.

       1. Community Safety- Improving community safety measures that support community access and wellness.

       2. Equitable Health Related Services- Increasing access to equitable health-related services including physical,    mental, and behavioral health.

Youth Opportunity: Helping young people realize their potential.

       3. Attendance and Graduation- Improving Pre-K through 12th grade school outcomes through programming that emphasizes attendance and/or graduation. 

       4. CCR and WBL- Increase College & Career readiness through work-based learning experiences for high school, GED, and college students 

Financial Security: Creating a stronger financial future for every generation. 

       5. Adult Education- Increase post-high school skill building and degree/certificate attainment for adults, to enhance economic mobility and financial independence.

Community Resiliency: Addressing urgent needs today for a better tomorrow.

       6. Housing Stability- Increase access to housing by providing case management or other supportive services that result in long term housing stability for individuals and families.

Impact grants are awarded as general operating dollars and for 3 years, with an award limit for each year of $25,000 for agencies with an annual budget under $100,000; and $50,000 for agencies with an annual budget over $100,000.  Agencies may receive a partial awards, no less than 25% of request.

Basic Needs Grant

Basic needs grants provide short-term limited support to the most vulnerable individuals and families and include transportation assistance, food bank services, toiletries, emergency and basic health and dental care, emergency assistance programs that provide materials or financial assistance, hunger relief services, short term housing and/or shelter for those experiencing homelessness, emergency or short term shelter for individuals experiencing domestic violence, utility assistance, and birth certificate and driver's licenses/state ID card programs.

Basic Needs grants are awarded as general operating dollars for 1 year, with an award limit for each year of $25,000 for agencies with an annual budget under $100,000; and $50,000 for agencies with an annual budget over $100,000. Agencies may receive a partial awards, no less than 25% of request.



For agencies providing the majority of their services in Santa Fe County

Santa Fe County grants support the work of programs that align with UWNCNM's Impact Priorities:

Healthy Community: Improving health and wellbeing for all.

       1. Community Safety- Improving community safety measures that support community access and wellness.

       2. Equitable Health Related Services- Increasing access to equitable health-related services including physical,    mental, and behavioral health.

Youth Opportunity: Helping young people realize their potential.

       3. Attendance and Graduation- Improving Pre-K through 12th grade school outcomes through programming that emphasizes attendance and/or graduation. 

       4. CCR and WBL- Increase College & Career readiness through work-based learning experiences for high school, GED, and college students

Financial Security: Creating a stronger financial future for every generation. 

       5. Adult Education- Increase post-high school skill building and degree/certificate attainment for adults, to enhance economic mobility and financial independence.

Community Resiliency: Addressing urgent needs today for a better tomorrow.

       6. Housing Stability- Increase access to housing by providing case management or other supportive services that result in long term housing stability for individuals and families.

       7. Basic Needs-  provide short-term limited support to the most vulnerable individuals and families and include transportation assistance, food bank services, toiletries, emergency and basic health and dental care, emergency assistance programs that provide materials or financial assistance, hunger relief services, short term housing and/or shelter for those experiencing homelessness, emergency or short term shelter for individuals experiencing domestic violence, utility assistance, and birth certificate and driver's licenses/state ID card programs.

Santa Fe County grants are awarded as general operating dollars for 1 year, with an award limit for each year of $20,000.  Agencies may receive a partial awards, no less than 25% of request.



United Way of North Central New Mexico